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Want to book award travel on Eithad with AAdvantage Miles? Call Brazil

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his is an English post for our american friends that have been complaining about not being able to book award travel with Etihad using AAdvantage miles from American Airlines. They used to call Australia AA Desk to book those awards, but it looks like this “loophole” is now dead.

Well, for those who still want to book Etihad awards with AAdvantage miles, I’m glad to report that the Brazilian AA desk is able to see and book awards with Etihad Airways.  So, if you need to book, just call via Skype +55 11 3004-5000. The portuguese spoken agents are able to see Qatar inventory regardless of date. Look the Booking  just made below:

I hope I can help my americans friends with this information, so they can complete their Etihad Bookings. Just call between 6am and 11pm Brasilia Time Zone (G-3). Safe Travels. 

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